Ansible: playbook to deploy a workload using the ec2 module

My previous post talked a little bit about new functionality from (new and updated) ec2-related modules in the Ansible 1.0 release.  In this post I’ll go through the practical example of launching multiple instances with the ec2 module and then configuring them with a workload.  In this case the workload will be the Eucalyptus User Console 🙂

For those who are unfamiliar with ansible, check out the online documentation here. The documentation itself is in a pretty good order for newcomers, so make sure to take it step by step to get the most out of it.  Once you’ve finished you’ll then come to realise how flexible it is but hopefully also how *easy* it is.

To launch my instances and then configure them, I’m going to use a playbook.  For want of a better explanation a playbook is a yaml formatted file containing a series of tasks which orchestrate a configuration or deployment process. The playbook can contain multiple plays, these are separate sections of the playbook (perhaps for logical reasons) which target specific hosts or groups of hosts.

Getting Started

First up, get hold of ansible!  We’ll clone from GitHub in this example, see here for alternatives.  You need to make sure you have Ansible release 1.0 or the latest devel snapshot.

$ git clone git://
$ cd ./ansible
$ source ./hacking/env-setup

Next, we need to create a hosts file. This hosts file can reside anywhere and be specified with the “-i” option when running Ansible. By default Ansible will look in /etc/ansible/hosts, so lets create this file.

$ touch /etc/ansible/hosts

Our playbook will depend on a single entry for localhost, so add the following to this file:


This assumes you have a localhost entry in your systems /etc/hosts file.

Try it out

Now we’re ready to really get started. Before we create our playbook, lets verify that the environment is setup and working correctly. Choose a system on which you have a login and SSH access and lets try and retrieve some facts by using Ansible in task execution mode.

In this example I’m using host “prc6” onto which I’ve copied my public SSH key. This host has sudo configured and I have the appropriate permissions for root in the sudoers file. Ansible can take this into account with the appropriate switches:

# ansible prc6 -m setup -s -K

Lets break that down:

ansible prc6 # run against this host, this could also be a host group found in /etc/ansible/hosts
-m setup # run the setup module on the remote host
-s -K # tell ansible I'm using sudo and ask ansible to prompt me for my sudo password

Running this command returns a load of in-built facts from the setup module about the remote host:

prc6 | success >> {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [
"ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [
"ansible_architecture": "x86_64",
"ansible_bios_date": "06/22/2012",
"ansible_bios_version": "2.0.3",
"ansible_cmdline": {
"KEYTABLE": "us",
"LANG": "en_US.UTF-8",
"SYSFONT": "latarcyrheb-sun16",
"crashkernel": "129M@0M",
"quiet": true,
"rd_LVM_LV": "vg01/lv_root",
"rd_MD_UUID": "1b27ae4a:6c4a8a77:6f718721:d335bf17",
"rd_NO_DM": true,
"rd_NO_LUKS": true,
"rhgb": true,
"ro": true,
"root": "/dev/mapper/vg01-lv_root"
}, [...cont]

If we were using a playbook, we could use these gathered facts in our configuration jobs. Neat huh? An example might be some kind of conditional execution, in pseudo:

if bios_version <= 2.0.3 then update firmware

This gives you just an extremely small idea of how ansible can be used as a configuration management engine.  Better still, modules are highly modular (wierd that?!) and can be written in pretty much any language, so you could write your own module to gather whatever facts you might want. We’re planning a Eucalyptus configuration module in the future 🙂

Anyhow, I digress …..


With ansible working nicely, lets start writing our playbook. With our next example we want to achieve the following aim:

  • Launch 3 instances in ec2/Eucalyptus using Ansible

Firstly, we need to address dependencies. With 1.0, the ec2 module was ported to boto so install the python-boto and m2crypt packages on your local system:

$ yum install python-boto m2crypt

Next up, get the credentials for your EC2 or Eucalyptus cloud. If you’re using Eucalyptus, source the eucarc as the ec2 module will take the values for EC2_ACCESS_KEY, EC2_SECRET_KEY and EC2_URL from your environment. If you’re wanting to use ec2, just export your access and secret key, boto knows the endpoints:


At this point you might want to try using euca2ools or ec2-tools to interact with your cloud, just to check your credentials 🙂

Onto the action! Below is a playbook broken up into sections, you can see the whole thing here as eucalyptus-user-console-ec2.yml. Save this as euca-demo.yml:

- name: Stage instance # we name our playbook
  hosts: local # we want to target the “local” host group we defined earlier in this post
  connection: local # we want to run this action locally on this host
  user: root # we want to run as this user
  gather_facts: false # since we're running locally, we don't want to gather system facts (remember the setup module we tested?)

  vars: # here we define some play variables
      keypair: lwade # this is our keypair in ec2/euca
      instance_type: m1.small # this is the instance type we want
      security_group: default # our security group
      image: emi-048B3A37 # our image
      count: 3 # how many we want to launch

  tasks: # here we begin the tasks section of the playbook, which is fairly self explanatory :)
    - name: Launch instance # name our tasks
      local_action: ec2 keypair=$keypair group=$security_group instance_type=$instance_type image=$image count=$count wait=true # run the ec2 module locally, with the parameters we want
      register: ec2 # register (save) the output for later use
    - name: Itemised host group addition
      local_action: add_host hostname=${item.public_ip} groupname=launched # here we add the public_ip var from the list of ec2.instances to a host group called "launched", ready for the next play
      with_items: ${ec2.instances}

You could try running this now.  Run with:

# ansible-playbook euca-demo.yml

Once complete, take a look at your running instances:

# euca-describe-instances
RESERVATION    r-48D14305    230788055250    default
INSTANCE    i-127F4992    emi-048B3A37    running    admin    2        m1.small    2013-02-05T14:59:36.095Z    uno-cluster    eki-38B93991    eri-EC703A1C        monitoring-disabled            instance-store                                    
INSTANCE    i-244B42C9    emi-048B3A37    running    admin    0        m1.small    2013-02-05T14:59:36.044Z    uno-cluster    eki-38B93991    eri-EC703A1C        monitoring-disabled            instance-store                                    
INSTANCE    i-FADD43E0    emi-048B3A37    running    admin    1        m1.small    2013-02-05T14:59:36.076Z    uno-cluster    eki-38B93991    eri-EC703A1C        monitoring-disabled            instance-store

Now we want a playbook (play) section to deal with the configuration of the instance.  We define the next play in the same file.  Remember this entire file is available here.

- name: Configure instance  
  hosts: launched  # Here we use the hostgroup from the previous play; all of our instances
  user: root  
  gather_facts: True  # Since these aren't local actions, I've left facter gathering on.

  vars_files:  # Here we demonstrate an external yaml file containing variables    
      - vars/euca-console.yml  

  tasks:   # Begin the tasks
      - name: Ensure NTP is up and running  # Using the "service" module to check state of ntpd    
        action: service name=ntpd state=started     

      - name: Downloads the repo RPMs # download the list of repo RPM's we need
        action: get_url url=$item dest=/tmp/ thirsty=yes
        - geturl

      - name: Install the repo RPMs # Install the RPM's for the repos
        action: command rpm -Uvh --force /tmp/$item
        - eucalyptus-release-${euca_version}.noarch.rpm
        - epel-release-6.noarch.rpm
        - elrepo-release-6.noarch.rpm

      - name: Install Eucalyptus User Console # Use the yum module to install the eucalyptus-console package     
        action: yum pkg=eucalyptus-console state=latest    

      - name: Configure User Console Endpoint # Here we use the lineinfile module to make a substitutions based on a regexp in the configuration file     
        action: lineinfile dest=/etc/eucalyptus-console/console.ini state=present regexp=^clchost line=clchost:" ${clchost}"    

      - name: Configure User Console Port      
        action: lineinfile dest=/etc/eucalyptus-console/console.ini state=present regexp=^uiport line=uiport:" ${port}"

      - name: Configure User Console Language      
        action: lineinfile dest=/etc/eucalyptus-console/console.ini state=present regexp=^language line=language:" ${lang}"    

      - name: Restart Eucalyptus User Console # With the config changed, use the service module to restart eucalyptus-console   
        action: service name=eucalyptus-console state=restarted

There we have it.  The playbook with two distinct plays is complete; one play to launch the instances and another to configure them.  Lets run our playbook and observe the results.

To run a playbook, you use the ansible-playbook command with much the same options as with ansible (task execution mode).  Since our instances we launch will need a private key, we specify this as part of the command:

# ansible-playbook euca-demo.yml --private-key=/home/lwade/.euca/mykey.priv -vvv

The -vvv switch gives extra verbose output.

As ansible goes off and configures the systems in parallel you’ll see this sort of output, indicating whether a task has been successful:

TASK: [Ensure NTP is up and running] ********************* 
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'mkdir -p $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.27-8382619657571 && echo $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.27-8382619657571'
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'mkdir -p $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.27-166172056795312 && echo $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.27-166172056795312'
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'mkdir -p $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.3-30210459423135 && echo $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.3-30210459423135'
<> REMOTE_MODULE service name=ntpd state=started
<> REMOTE_MODULE service name=ntpd state=started
<> PUT /tmp/tmptDgeMW TO /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.27-8382619657571/service
<> PUT /tmp/tmpBF7ekS TO /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.27-166172056795312/service
<> REMOTE_MODULE service name=ntpd state=started
<> PUT /tmp/tmpA49v9F TO /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.3-30210459423135/service
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.27-8382619657571/service; rm -rf /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.27-8382619657571/ >/dev/null 2>&1'
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.27-166172056795312/service; rm -rf /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.27-166172056795312/ >/dev/null 2>&1'
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.3-30210459423135/service; rm -rf /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1360077064.3-30210459423135/ >/dev/null 2>&1'
ok: [] => {"changed": false, "name": "ntpd", "state": "started"}
ok: [] => {"changed": false, "name": "ntpd", "state": "started"}
ok: [] => {"changed": false, "name": "ntpd", "state": "started"}

We see that the task to ensure ntpd is running has been completed successfully. At the end of all the plays we get a recap:

PLAY RECAP *********************                    : ok=9    changed=5    unreachable=0    failed=0                    : ok=9    changed=5    unreachable=0    failed=0                    : ok=9    changed=5    unreachable=0    failed=0    
localhost                      : ok=2    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0

This demonstrates tasks completed successfully and those which changed something on the system.

Let’s see if it worked, point your web browser to https://public_ip:8888 of one of your instances (e.g.

Screenshot from 2013-02-05 15:31:50

Job done!  Maybe next you could try putting a load balancer in front of these three instances? 🙂

Hopefully this was a good taste of deploying applications into the cloud with the help of Ansible.  I’ll continue to write with further examples of workloads over the next couple of months and will put this information into the Eucalyptus GitHub wiki.

EDIT – If people see value in a playbook repository for generic workloads and other deployment examples on EC2/Eucalyptus, let me know.  I’m sure we can get a common repo setup 🙂

15 thoughts on “Ansible: playbook to deploy a workload using the ec2 module

    • Thanks! Good news is that with a couple of recent commits we can tag and enable cloudwatch on instances we launch with it. That’ll go nicely with Eucalyptus 3.3 and EC2 🙂

  1. Very nice, looks good! Nice to the ec2 module example! I’d possibly configure the yum repo with a template and use the yum resource throughout and maybe get the service stuff set up with notifiers on config change, that way it’s a bit more tweaked for repeated configuration.

    • Thanks Michael for the valuable feedback. I’ll take a look at adding in the notify and handlers. Originally I had avoided templating as I wanted to keep just a single playbook file without templates or var files. I haven’t removed the vars file yet. I’d considered just have the .yml playbook file as being “super portable” but then I’m not quite sure really just how useful this is.

  2. I’m in the middle of some similar work, so this is very helpful. The tragic flaw that I face is that there’s one step in the middle of my work where I have to set up users on the freshly-created instance. Unfortunately, the private key required to do this isn’t applicable to the local machine which does the ansible work. I wish there was a way to specify a private-key on a per-play basis.

  3. Tom, I’ve not used the feature but perhaps you could include this in a separate play and use a jumphost to get to the instance via the system where your private key lies?

    • I’ve got an ugly sort of hack in place now. Rather than having all functionality in playbooks, I ended up splitting into several playbooks and grafting them into some shell scripting, which is far uglier than I’d like. But, for the record (and in case anyone else has been in this boat), I’ll tell a few details about what I’m doing. I’m trying to generate Ubuntu-based instances from a non-“ubuntu” account on an ubuntu-based instance. When the instance comes into being, I’ve got to do my initial configuration using the ubuntu account (which is their version of a root account, broadly put), but would like to have most of my stuff installed as a non-ubuntu user (the same non-ubuntu user I run as on the source node). Ideally, I could either override the key used for the first few plays (until I’m set up as my non-ubuntu user) or for the last bunch of plays, but the most important thing that I’d love to do is to do some configuration (generating an instance from my local node using my local non-ubuntu userid and key), get the address of my newly-generated instance, and then do some more configuration (remotely, using first my ubuntu key, then my non-ubuntu key). I’ll look at jump hosts, but my cursory scan didn’t ring any bells.

  4. Thanks for the example, but I’m having a bit of trouble. It seems that the ansible-playbook command here is not idempotent. That is, each time you run it, another instance is created. I also followed along the example that you went over in your webinar on mongodb, and that also doesn’t seem idempotent. Basically it seems that the hosts file is not properly updated once a new instance is spun up. Perhaps to do this, you need to use ansible’s plugins/inventory/ to keep track of the hosts inventory.

    • Yes, that’s correct. To achieve idempotence with the run-instance requests in EC2 you need to use the client token attribute, which is illustrated here: and the Ansible EC2 module accepts the token as a parameter. For it to be valid, the entire request much match across calls (e.g. if you change the security group but have the same client token, it won’t be idempotent).

      If you have lots of instances spinning up (e.g. you use Ansible just to provision), then you can use the inventory script to group and populate host inventory to target for later config management tasks. I’ve almost finished some use-case documentation for the Ansible site which illustrates the various approaches one might take to using Ansible against AWS. This should be up in a docs push soon (in time for 1.2 release for sure).

  5. Hi Lester,
    I have been trying to follow the steps to launch ec2 instance mentioned above. However, I get an error that says
    ‘fatal: [localhost] => module keypair=workPlace.pem not found in /home/pjoshi/ansible-test/ansible/library/notification’. The error message includes library/* folders. Could you guide me where I am wrong.


    • Hey Pushkar, sorry for the delay on this. So you need to give the keypair name in AWS (as shown with ec2-describe-keypair or in keypairs via the AWS console), not the private component of your SSH keypair (workPlace.pem).

      • Hey Lester, I was trying long trying to see if I was wrong somewhere, but it seems ansible is not able to find the files. If I do not set keypair, it says ‘module group not found’ Could you tell me where port install – keep all these files? Sorry to bug you again.


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